Properties zoned for nightly rentals in Whistler are broken down into two types: Phase I and Phase II

Phase I nightly rental properties

Phase I ownership offers the best of both worlds with the option for short term rentals, long term rentals and unlimited owner usage. Owners of *most* Phase I properties are able to self manage their own rentals or can hire a property management company to manage their day to day operations.

The majority of Phase I properties are located in Whistler Village, The Benchlands, Blueberry Hill and Creekside. There are Phase I properties located in Nordic (Taluswood), Brio (Sunridge), Bayshores (Kadenwood) and some properties in Green Lake Estates. If you would like more information on these Phase I properties, please reach out.

Some Fractional Ownership and Time Share Properties fall within Phase I zoning. For more information on these properties 

please click here.

Buildings that are zoned for nightly rentals can be found throughout the Whistler Valley, with the majority of them being located in The Benchlands, Whistler Village and Creekside. Use the links below to view properties that allow nightly rentals in the following areas:

Phase I properties request

Sam Surowy

Rennie & Associates Realty

#110 - 4350 Lorimer Road  Whistler,  BC   V8E 1A5 

Mobile: (604) 902-9754

Get In Touch

Sam Surowy

Mobile: (604) 902-9754

Office Info

Rennie & Associates Realty

#110 - 4350 Lorimer Road  Whistler,  BC   V8E 1A5 

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